Dawn at the Old Museum

Band of Dawn. You may recognise these guys from a previous blog post.

A few months ago we did a photo session with them for their album “The Spinning Jenny – Volume 1”.  It was an amazing experience to work with this band, such elaborate costumes and amazing concepts. I was beside myself that my editing ended up on the COVER of the album.  Definitely a proud moment in my working life.  People probably wondered who the squealing lunatic was in JB Hi Fi.

Our next job with Dawn was to photograph their show at The Old Museum in Brisbane at the beginning of their Australian East Coast tour.

Their songs are a blend of folk, Celtic and Western styles.  Haunting lyrics and melodies, making you imagine a time gone by or a time yet to come.  We were so happy to get to go along and hear their music but of course Kris was in his element, being able to capture photos of the band during the show.  It shows a different side, the side that you see only in the moment.  For some reason, I love photos taken at live shows.  Knowing that you were there and saw these people in real life.  It’s different to a posed photo.  I think it’s because it’s a moment that you cannot go back and get again. It’s a snapshot of a split second in time.


The Band of Dawn.  A beautiful Victorian-Steampunk look.  Costumes by Clockwork Butterfly. Stage dressing by Jodie Hilton.

Left to right: Brent Moetara (Harmonica), Nathan Moore (Drums), Stirling Gill-Chambers (Electric Amazing Violin Thing), Brenton Page (Bass), Richard Grantham (Strings), Andrew Yeldham (Guitar), Lauren Mackay (Keyboards and vocals)

Kimberley Dawn Lysons (Lead Vocals)


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Kimberley looking gorgeous.



The fun after the show.


Thank you once again Dawn for inviting us in to your world to take some amazing images.  I cannot wait to work on another project with you.


Andy and Steve Mackay are ParisLane – you might recognise them from X-Factor in 2012. It’s pretty cool getting the chance to take photos of twins, and pretty cool to take photos of musicians… so twin musicians is a bonus!

Something I really love in a shoot is when people put their trust in me, and let me take them out of their comfort zone. These guys totally did that. You’ll see what I mean in the gallery…

A huge thank you to Stefan from CF Photography and Design for joining us on the shoot, especially with wrangling Steve’s anti-gravity piano work! It is a huge pleasure to get to work with Stefan.

You can check out ParisLane’s work at their YouTube channel, and follow their Facebook page for news and gigs.

OK, now that you’ve looked at that image, look again. Steve is totally holding himself up with his arms. That’s no mean feat.

Dawn – The Spinning Jenny, Volume 1

A long time ago in a land far far away….

Okay, recently and actually just across the street from our home…

We got to have a photo session like no other with an amazing band called “Dawn”, and have been privileged enough to be a part of their journey as they produce this amazing album – The Spinning Jenny, Volume 1.  Lead singer for Dawn is Kimberley, and we collaborated with her to come up with some amazing concepts for photos for the latest album.  It was all about bringing a steampunk vibe to the photos and getting shots that might be from an era long ago or one yet to come.  A group of battle weary travellers finding their history and ancestry in the world around them.

We actually did get up at dawn for the shoot, which involved lots of costumed band members walking down our street across to an amazing field across from our house.  I can’t imagine what our neighbours think when they look out their windows and see elaborately dressed men and women walking past as the sun is just rising…

I must say I got the biggest buzz and goofiest grin when we went into JB Hi Fi and saw the Dawn album with our photo on it.  Kris’s photography and my editing.  What an amazing feeling.  Thanks Kimberley and the band of Dawn for trusting us with your vision.

Dawn are exquisitely dressed by Alex of Clockwork Butterfly.

Album design by Matthew of DarkMantra.

(And piano graciously supplied by Steve Mackay.)

You can find out more about Dawn at their website or facebook page.

Dawn are going all over the country for their Dawn Winter Tour – check them out!

This is the album cover of The Spinning Jenny – Volume 1.  Apart from the costumes being beyond amazing, Kimberley has cheekbones and lips to die for!  She was an amazing model and had an aura of goddess like serenity.
There is just something about this photo that I love.  It has almost a tribal feel and her eyes just look deep into your soul.