The Fighter

The four prints from APPA 2015 have become pretty dear to me – I feel like I’ve been thinking about them and working them for a really long time. Usually I give a little bit of a story behind them; this year I’m going to try something different, and take you through each image from start to finish. Here’s the first one 🙂

Lauren is a close and dear friend of ours. She’s a bit of a superwoman – singer, musician, fighter… singing teacher, combat teacher, and primary teacher. Not to mention she is mum to our daughter’s best friend! She’s one of the hardest workers I know, and moves heaven and earth to keep everything for her family trucking along. We’d been talking for ages about doing a muai thai shoot together, probably with her wrapping her wrists, in the ring, preparing for a fight. Then our friend Matt Palmer posts this well executed image on his Art of Action facebook page, and suddenly the bar is raised and we have some more work to do!

Rather than just a straight athletic portrait, we started putting together the idea that Lauren would be preparing for a fight, but the battleground is the heart of her house and her family – her kitchen. The kitchen is the ring, and her opponents are many and varied – all of the things that Lauren has to do, all of the obstacles that get in her way, or her daughter’s way.

Of course, as the session progressed, we talked more, and I got to know Lauren even better. Much of that won’t make it to this story (is there such a thing as photographer-subject privilege?), but suffice it to say, Lauren likes to be independent. She suits up for the fight that is coming, and while she’s doing that, she’s thinking about the next one after that, and the one after that. There will always be another storm.

Right at the end of the session, Lauren struck a super strong pose. “Square your shoulders to me. Plant your feet. Now put that wrap on, and take your time.” Or something like that. For three minutes, Lauren’s breathing was different, her stance even more resolute. As soon as that set was finished, I stepped away from the camera – shoot over. Sometimes you know you have the shot.

To create the finished product, I layered in some Brisbane Arts Theatre lights from some production photos of ImproMafia’s 2014 season of Agatha Holmes, along a little smoke (from my handy dandy smoke machine) and some dust (from my handy dandy wife Wanda spraying water with a spray bottle), and we’re good to go!

The image went through a number of evolutions, refining the lights at the back (to be more boxing-ring-like and less jazz-hands-theatre-like), the smoke and dust, and some of the details on the fridge and the counters.

Final result – a Silver award at the 2015 APPAs! I’m really pleased for Lauren that her image scored Silver at both the state and national level. This makes it two years running for her; in 2014, she featured in our Dawn at Dawn print, which also won Silver at the state and national level! Will you see her in 2016? Stay tuned, sportsfans…


Lord of the Thrones

How often do you get to shoot a completely epic campaign set in a fantasy land with drama and intrigue? We were super stoked to be involved with production of ImproMafia’s promotional images for their upcoming show Lord of the Thrones. If you’ve been hiding under a rock, you might not know of Game of Thrones, or Lord of the Rings. This show mashes both of them together, all controlled by a storyteller named R. R. (Named after J. R. R. Tolkien and George R. R. Martin. Get it?)

If you’ve watched Game of Thrones, you know that getting to know and love a character is their death knell – it doesn’t take long for something senseless and violent to remove your favourite and keep you guessing about what might be happening next. We thought it would be great to shoot a series of images, featuring characters from the show, and featuring Death – just hanging about, biding time until he is inevitably called to action.

Working with actors is a joy – they know where their arms and legs and face and eyes are, and they know how to project emotion and feeling with everything from a stance to a subtle facial change. Natalie, Alex, Brittany, Greg and Scott (with Scott doing double duty as Death) threw themselves in to it, and it totally works!

One of the fun parts of the shoot was building these super-serious, contextually consistent scenes with a dramatic persona in the foreground and a cool location for the background… with Death being just a little ridiculous somewhere in the shot. I can’t quite explain why, but Wanda’s idea for death’s dropped ice cream (above) makes me very happy indeed.
You want to see some magnificent prop work? Wanda Macgyvered some ancient parchment out of some printer paper, coffee, and a sandwich press. Best smelling magic scroll ever!

We had a lot of fun incorporating photographs from our travels. European palaces and North American forests featured pretty heavily in the series. Now, obviously, the budget didn’t quite stretch far enough to fly people overseas… Instead, we shot in our lounge room (much more exotic) and did some composite work to integrate characters in to their locations. So for this one project, we brought together elements we’d shot in Denmark, Colorado, Paris, Oregon, Stockholm, and Brisbane. Here’s a little behind-the-scenes if you’re curious.

Lord of the Thrones premiere performance is on Saturday 12 September at the Metro Arts Theatre, Brisbane. Tickets are available from