The judging for the 2013 Queensland Professional Photography Awards took place this weekend. This is my second year entering the awards in the Emerging Photographer category.
I’m pleased to say that judging resulted in four awards for me, two Silvers, and two Silvers with Distinction! And here they are. Hope you enjoy them.
ANZAC – Silver with Distinction (Illustrative)
This is a composite of 100 exposures of Brisbane’s ANZAC memorial, taken at different times on one day. I shot this as part of my Project 365 last year, so it was important to shoot, edit and post on one day!
By all accounts this one inspired a lot of discussion (and disagreement!) with the judges in the Illustrative category on Saturday. Very pleased that the spirited discussion resulted in a Silver with Distinction!

Steve – Silver with Distinction (Portrait)
Steve Mackay is a very talented singer, songwriter and performer, appearing recently on X-Factor with his band ParisLane. He is a crazy good pianist; I like to think I know a few things on the piano, but he’s unbelievable. Steve isn’t an angry man as far as I can tell, but he sure dialed up the intensity for this portrait.

Amy – Silver award (Portrait)
This portrait of Amy is the second Silver award winner for the 2013 QPPAs. While shooting promotional photos for ImproMafia’s production of the 2012 Theatresports Grand Championships, I took a few moments to work with the stunning Amy to make this image.

The Box – Silver award (Illustrative)
I had this photo in my head for a few months – just needed a big cardboard box to make it work.One Saturday a year or so ago, the boy and I were out and about, and we spotted a good sized box out the back of a furniture store. Next day, with the kids (and Sofie the dog) on modelling duty, and Wanda on hair and wardrobe, we set it up and shot it over the course of a few hours.Sometimes the kids are a little bit over having a camera shoved in their face, but they were totally in to it for this one, and they love the final product.It’s the first print we’ve ever made in to a canvas for ourselves, and the first image to snag an award! Very cool to get a reward for a family effort.