When you are promoting your production, you have hundreds of competitors all vying for their share of audience. The most reliable way to get prospective audience members’ attention is eye-catching imagery that distinguishes you from the other posters on the wall, images in their feed, or pages in a festival brochure. Our superpower is collaborating with you to create effective branding, capturing interest and drawing people in to your production.

One thing to remember when you are working on imagery and photography for your production – your images are your brand. Your hero image will be everywhere: social media, posters, postcards, festival brochures, traditional media – and it will live on for quite a long time. Our responsibility is making sure your imagery is super effective, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

For all of our branding work, we are going to want to spend time talking with you (or chatting online, hey, it’s the future) about your production, the vibe, the audience you’re trying to reach, and the formats you need. Establishing a good brief is vital to ensure you get the best outcome, and we want to get in to your head to really understand your production.

What do we deliver from a branding session?

Hero image – the one image that captures the vibe + narrative of your show, resonates with the target audience, and will stand the test of time. Usually the hero image is the top priority for a branding session – one image that will be in posters, flyers, programmes, print media, and online. It needs to be something you’re proud of for years.

Secondary images – Images that compliment the hero image. These are often used to drip-feed content on social media. These could be portraits of the main cast, or tableaus representing moments from your production.

Headshots – We will often photograph an entire cast along with directors and other important folks, for programmes or to promote the show on social media. These are much, much faster than our normal headshot sessions; we allow 3-4 minutes per person, and deliver one selection each with minimal retouching. (We often make those headshots available to cast members for a small fee.)

Branding sessions can be in the studio or on-location, and nearly always involve off-camera lighting to lift the performers out of the background and make them pop. Some branding sessions require only minimal post-production; some require lots of post-production to bring the image to life. After you choose from the candidates in your on-line proof gallery, we’ll work to the agreement and deliver edited images, in a variety of print- and web-ready formats, including resolutions optimised for Facebook (posts, profile pictures, and cover photos) and Instagram.

Want to get started? First thing we do is have a consultation call for 30-45 minutes, to discuss your requirements and work out location and logistics, and to understand your budget so we can create something that ticks all the boxes. We often prototype images with sketches to help with communicating ideas clearly.

Look, it’s a big call to bring in a creative for something like this. You have to have faith that they’ll be able to connect with you, interpret your needs, and deliver something amazing. You have a budget and you need to know that you’re going to get a good outcome for your investment. Take a look at some of the testimonials below to read about some other people’s experiences; they’ve been where you are now, and now they have spectacular hero shots and supporting material. And check out the branding case studies below too.

Case Studies

Sometimes it can be difficult to visualise how the branding process works; it’s different every time, based on what the client wants and the nature of the show. Here are some case studies that will give you an idea of the steps that we go through when we are doing branding for a client.


A selection of client-commissioned branding pieces