Laurene’s family

It’s always a bit of fun having a session with a big extended family – kids, parents, grandparents… especially a family as fun as Laurene’s extended family. It’s really nice when you finish a session and you feel like an honourary family member for the day 🙂

One of the images of the day has gone down as my favourite candid moment in a family session. See if you can pick which one.


Nikki, Brett and the girls

We met Nikki a few years ago at Images by Anderson’s first christening. We were so excited when she contacted us for a family session for her husband Brett and her two gorgeous little girls. They were all great, but little miss J in particular was a wonderful little model. Even littler miss S was good too – when you could get her to sit still! I had fun chasing her around the park, and we captured some wonderful images for them to treasure.

Kenmore SHS – 2011

Kids from Kenmore State High School – you can check out pictures from your photobooth here. The gallery is password-protected; the password is your year coordinator’s last name (the teacher that wore the Wallabies uniform to the event), in lower case.

Don’t forget to check out our package deals! When you go to add prints to your cart, check the Package tab.

You guys were a lot of fun to photograph! Enjoy your summer holidays 🙂