And Then There Was Agatha Holmes

I’m fortunate to have the chance to photograph talented actors in costume, in character, and on-set. A few weeks ago ImproMafia‘s wrapped their final season of Agatha Holmes, at the Brisbane Arts Theatre. Aside from the great detective Agatha Holmes and his faithful partner Alfred Wastings, every other character was a conniving murderer, and each night one of those murderers fell victim to another, as chosen by the audience.

I made an interesting and maybe slightly disturbing discovery while editing up the murderous photos below. I was catching up on my editing on the bus, and after a little while I realised that I was subconsciously mirroring the facial expressions of the faces in the image I was editing. And I asked each of these fine actors to put on a bloodthirsty evil murderface. So… my apologies to my fellow passengers.

On the plus side, I got a double seat to myself.

Sexy Detectives

The Sexy Detectives is a sketch comedy group from Brisbane. Sexy D have performed all over the country, and have achieved international success at short film festivals. Mike and Dave are taking a two-man Sexy D show on the road with Mono Logs, kicking off at the Melbourne Fringe Festival this year, then returning to Brisbane later in the year for Brisbane Powerhouse’s Wonderland festival.

I call this one “Infinite Yorick.”