…So, finally took the plunge and entered the 2016 WPPI Second Half members-only online competition, with a goal of not embarrassing myself, and a hope that of the eight images entered, maybe four of them would get over the line for a silver award.
Goal achieved!
Very pleased to announce that, as well as getting all eight prints over the line, The Final Voyage of Skuldelev I achieved a gold award (one of only four awarded), and was awarded First Place in the Creative Division – Illustrative category! This is huge!!! HUGE!! Yayayayayayayayayayayahhhh ahem sorry. Inside voice. Inside voice. Sssshhhhhhh. There you go.
Several of the images from the 2015 QPPA/APPA season were still eligible for entry, and it was great to be able to give them another run – particularly Sleepless, which is really close to our hearts.
Congratulations to everyone that entered – including Adam Hourigan who won Creative Division – Wedding Contemporary, and the legendary Lisa Saad who placed in not one but two categories! If you want to see some incredible imagery, take a few minutes and check out the winners and finalists gallery.
Big thank-you to the judges for the WPPI competition – see you again at the print awards in a few months 🙂 Huge thank you to everyone that collaborated on these images! And MASSIVE thank you to Wanda and the kids for being the bestest and most supportive family anyone could have.
Of all of these, I think The Final Voyage of Skuldelev I (aka “the viking picture”) is the only one I haven’t blogged about yet… I’m still writing it. Coming soon, I promise.