So, my two main goals for this year: Make a strong submission with four entries to the Illustrative category, and vet images for the APPAs in October.
How did I go? Why, I’m glad you asked! Better than expected. Beyond my wildest dreams even. Each of the eight images entered won an award! My two images in Portrait both picked up Silvers. My two in Landscape earned one Silver and one Gold. And the four in Illustrative earned two Silvers and two Silvers with Distinction. I was keen to have a red hot go at Illustrative this year, and I’m pretty happy with that outcome.
Wait, what? Gold? In LANDSCAPE? No way! Gold??!?! Yes indeed! This is my first Gold award, and I have to say, there are few things more exciting than having your print go to challenge and hearing judges making impassioned pleas to pull the rest of the panel up, then having it get over the line to gold! I’m a bit beside myself about it. I’d love to share the image with you… but it’s going to have to wait until after the APPAs in October. Yep, sorry. Anything that I’m considering entering in October stays under wraps until that judging is completed. If you see me in person, pester me about it and I’ll show you a sneaky pic on my phone 🙂
I’m super keen to share some of the Illustrative entries, but those will have to wait as well. 🙂
Although I’m not going to show you that gold image yet, I am going to talk about my other landscape image!
Silver award – Snowy Treeline
Now and again we have the chance to visit our old friends Scott and Angie in Denver, Colorado. I’ve known Scott since my first day of actual real go-to-work-and-earn-money work. Not far from where they live, there’s a lovely line of trees framing a driveway at the top of a ridge. Driving past it one day, I suggested to Scott that if it snowed in the next day or two, we’d have to come back so I could shoot it. Sure enough, the snow came down a few days later, and there it was.
Wanda snuck a few behind-the-scenes from the relative comfort of the nice warm car while I wandered around in the snow. OK, it wasn’t THAT cold.
It was one of those snow days some people might find a bit dreary; I find them to be crisp, quiet, and somehow comforting. Everything was hazy, with distant details fading away. That’s what I wanted to capture, anyway, and hopefully it did the trick.