Tom, Amy and Dan

Each year, the best improvisers from around Australia gather for the Theatresports National Championships. In 2011, Brisbane is hosting the Nationals as part of the Off the Cuff Festival of Improvised Theatre, from Thursday 29 September through Saturday 1 October. Tickets are available from the Powerhouse website.

Amy, Dan and Tom are representing Queensland in the 2011 Nationals. I hung out with them for some promotional pictures in one of my favourite photo niches in Fortitude Valley. I love working with actors – give them a character or an emotion and they know how to pose for it, and when you ask them to, they bring the cheese.

All three nights of Off the Cuff will be brilliant, with evenings featuring shows from around the country as well as some of Brisbane’s most popular improvised shows (including Agatha Holmes). Who knows – you might even see me there.

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