Thom at the Powerhouse

Thomas Larkin is a talented Melbourne-based actor. Hailing from Brisbane originally, Thom is back home to perform in La Boite’s Julius Caesar until March 20.

I was keen for another shoot with my friend and photographer buddy Al Caeiro; we haven’t shot together since Dani’s shoot last year. It’s always fun doing a shoot with Al – even if this one started an hour before dawn! Al is an accomplished theatre photographer; you can see some of her recent work in La Boite’s Julius Caesar Production Gallery.

Thom was lots of fun, and the three of us built some lovely shots. I’m really pleased with what we got – and now I’m keen to do more pre-dawn shoots!

And, yes, those are his pants.

Thom will be back in Brisbane later this year, performing in Queensland Theatre Company’s touring production of Treasure Island.

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