The Yule Family

I caught up with the Yule family before Christmas for a fun family portrait shoot. Any photographic shoot with kids is going to be fun, but I get a kick out of watching one parent entertain the kids while the other is sitting for a solo portrait. Brendan was tireless in keeping his kids occupied. He does a mean handstand.

These pictures were taken in November, a few months before the Queensland floods. The Yule family lost pretty much everything when the water in Jindalee rose above their roof line. Jenny is the most resilient, positive person; she had to look after the kids and deal with the loss of their house and their belongings while Brendan was posted overseas in Afghanistan.

If you want to help families like the Yules, please consider giving generously to the Premier’s Disaster Recovery Appeal. We’re still raising money for the Appeal; you can visit the Flood Pianos page for more information.

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